
400 086 1088


Environment & Energy


Mar 2016

Measuring O2,CO,CO2,NO,SO2,H2

According to the requirements of the AQSIQ, the Dongguan special inspection institute actively promotes the energy efficiency testing of the boilers in the city. Use our portable flue gas analyzer to measure and analyze combustion O2, CO, CO2, NOx, SO2, H2, CxHy and so on.           

According to the data analysis of the energy efficiency test of the boiler, the energy efficiency value of the gas boiler can basically meet the requirements of the technical specifications of special equipment. The energy efficiency of some coal-fired boilers can not meet the requirements of the technical specifications of special equipment. The main problems are concentrated on the high temperature of smoke exhaust, excessive excessive air coefficient and high carbon content in the slag. The energy efficiency Center issued a detailed energy efficiency test report for each boiler test. The report analyzed the source of heat loss of the boiler accurately, and put forward some suggestions for improvement to guide the use unit to save energy.           

According to the requirements of the boiler energy conservation technology supervision and management regulations, the boiler units should conduct a regular energy efficiency test every two years.

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