
400 086 1088


Inert Gas Module AGM22

Sensors' Advanced Gasmitter (AGM22) product line measures the inert gas content of binary gas mixtures. The unit is manufactured for the selected inert gases, including Hydrogen (H2), Helium (He), Xenon (Xe), Argon (Ar), and Sulfur Hexaflouride (SF6). Various measurement ranges from 0 - 5% Vol. to 0-100% Vol. are available. The fast response time, T90 < 5s, is an especially important feature of the AGM22.

  • Measure:
        H2 :  0-5%, 0-10%, 0-20%, 0-30%, 0-50%, 0-80%, 0-100%
        He :  0-5%, 0-10%, 0-20%, 0-30%, 0-50%, 0-80%, 0-100%
        Xe :  0-5%, 0-10%, 0-20%, 0-30%, 0-50%, 0-80%, 0-100%
    Thermal conductivity principle
    Linearized output signal
    4-20mA and RS232 signal output
    Europe card design: 160mm x 100mm
    Recalibration via potentiometer


Measures: H2, He, Xe, Ne, Ar, SF6

  • Linear error ≤ 2% FS (FS = full scale of measurement range)

  • Lower detection limit: ≤ 1% FS

  • Heated

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400 086 1088




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